CLASS: Youth Mental Health First Aid 4/25. Please consider attending this lifesaving class!

Youth Mental Health First Aid
April 25, 2015
8:00am - 5:00pm
Wesley United Methodist Church 420 Sylvan Street, Marysville, PA 17053
Cost: Members and clergy of United Methodist Churches may attend for free. Non-United Methodist participants may attend for $40. This course is for Adults living or working with children ages 11 through 18 and also mature Senior High School students wishing to provide peer support. National Certification as Youth Mental Health First Aider for 3 years upon successful completion. Please email the registration information to and the check to cover training costs for Non-United Methodist participants of $40.00 payable to “MWAA” should be mailed to: Jeannette Keezel, Administrative Assistant, Wesley United Methodist Church, 420 Sylvan Street, Marysville, PA 17053. Question? please call (717) 957-4481.