FOX43 Focal Point: Cannabis in the Commonwealth – Veterans Struggle With Access to Medical Cannabis&
Source: Click here CAMP HILL, Pa. -- Jessica Freedman often wonders where should be if she had access to medical cannabis sooner. Would...

"Clinic Opens in Kingston to Help Certify Medical Marijuana Patients" news article
Source: Click here KINGSTON — A Pennsylvania-based marijuana advocacy group has opened a clinic in the borough to assist patients in...

"Omni Patient Advocates Has Answers to Medical Marijuana Questions" news article
Source: Click here Despite the stigma surrounding medical marijuana, Omni Patient Advocates continues to fight the opioid epidemic, one...

"Medical Marijuana Could Help Vets: VA Secretary" NY Daily News article
WASHINGTON — Source: click here Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin said medical marijuana could help veterans, a major split in...

"DEA approves medical marijuana study for PTSD" news article
Source: click here "Military veterans may soon find out just how effectively cannabis can treat symptoms of post-traumatic stress. The...

Governor Wolf to sign Medical Cannabis bill into law today
Today is the day! Come support medical cannabis and watch history unfold! We wish so badly that Dane could be here to see all the...

SB3 Passed by the PA House 149-43
Today was a historical day!! The PA House of Representatives finally brought SB3 to a vote and passed it 149-43!!! It will be sent to the...

CALL TO ACTION! Contact your local Reps NOW!
Next week, the PA House will FINALLY get to hold a vote on SB3 - a bill that would legalize the use of cannabis as a medicine for a...