"Suicide statistics grim reminder of need for Suicide Prevention Month" news article
Source: Click here Story Highlights Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death among all Americans and #2 for ages 10 to 34. There were...

"'Parking lot' Suicides Roil VA Hospitals" news article
Source: click here In a tragic and disturbing trend, veterans are resorting to suicide on the grounds of VA facilities, VA Secretary Dr....

"'Your Son Took His Own Life': A Veteran's Suicide Set His Mother On A Mission To H
Source: Click here "In Vermont, of all the deaths by gunshot wounds in the last six years, more than a quarter were suicides by current...

"This vital app connects veterans to talk about mental health and trauma" news article
Source: Click here Three years ago, Justin Miller had a six-hour phone call he says saved his life. Miller is a medically retired...

"11 Ways My Dog Helped Me Recover From Depression" news article
Source: Click here Julie Barton's memoir, Dog Medicine: How My Dog Saved Me From Myself, will be available wherever books are sold on...