"Anxiety & Depression Increase Over The Holidays — And Here's How To Cope" news ar
Source: Click here While the winter holidays hold fond memories of family gatherings and giant dinners for plenty of folks, they're also...

"Research reveals heart and mental health benefits to bringing pets to work" news article
Source: click here Companies who allow dogs might increase a pet owner's ability to cope with stress and increase their job satisfaction....
"How Anti-Cannabis Laws Victimize Vets and Their Families" article
Source: Click here It's a strange, contradictory time for medical marijuana patients in the United States: a plant legally prescribed in...

"Yoga Helps Veterans with PTSD at UD Marine Corps League" article
Source: click here Kathleen Sweeney’s voice is soothing as she begins the yoga class. This is not your typical yoga class. The mats,...

National Stress Awareness Day "How to Help a Loved One Cope with Stress" article
Source: Click here It is estimated that 41% of British population feel stressed at any given time, with more than one quarter saying...

Meditative Coloring: What is it?
Can you remember the sense of peace and enjoyment you felt coloring as a child? Can coloring really help me relax? From choosing colors...