Now Accepting Dog Placement Applications!
We are now (and always) accepting applications for dog placements through Dane's Dogs for Vets. If you are a veteran or know of one who...

31st Annual Corvette Show: Fundraiser
THANK YOU again to the Central PA Corvette Club, Andy Saft, and all the staff at Klick-Lewis Chevrolet/Buick in Palmyra for allowing us a...

"The Role of Service Dogs" news article
Source: click here "Service dogs, you may be surprised to learn, are not necessarily professionally trained -- and they can assist people...

"Feeling depressed? There's a Dog for That" news article
Source: click here Sometimes when you’re down, all it takes is a lick to the face or a furry cuddle to lift your spirits. But what if...

We want to take a moment to give a huge thanks to Tee Off Against Corporation, PA Wounded Warriors Inc., over around 135 golfers,...
"Research Project Studies Benefits of Therapy Dogs on Mental Health" article
Source: click here A research project involving three Canadian universities is looking at the potential benefits of matching people with...

"A New Act Could Provide Veterans who have with PTSD Service Dogs" article
Source: Click here Some soldiers find themselves fighting a completely different battle when they return to civilian life — dealing with...

"Service Dogs Aid Veterans with PTSD" article
Source: Click here He doesn’t often remember the nightmares themselves, but can recall the feeling of them with absolute clarity. Mike...

Thank you to everyone who came to the Dillsburg Home Brew Fest!!
The Dillsburg Home Brew Fest held this past Saturday, November 14th was such a success! We had a table set up with information about the...

PennLive article: "The Vineyard and Brewery at Hershey holds 'Straws and Stripes'"
"The Vineyard and Brewery at Hershey held its "Straws and Stripes" summer music festival dedicated to friends and family in the armed...