"7 Surprising Health Benefits of Gratitude" Time News article
Source: Click here Now is the season to think about what makes you most thankful, but research supports making it a year-round habit....

"Therapy Dogs Comfort Survivor of Las Vegas Shooting" ABC News article
Source: Click here A group of therapy dogs are being flown to Las Vegas to comfort survivors from Sunday's mass shooting in Las Vegas....
"Veteran and Military Suicide Prevention" Fox News article
Source: Click here Once every 72 minutes. That's how often U.S. military veterans kill themselves. According to the Department of...

"5 Ways to Help During National Suicide Prevention Week (and Beyond)" news article
Source: click here 1. Say the S word. Suicide. Yes, it can be uncomfortable to talk about, but the more you practice saying the word, the...
"PTSD: Therapy should focus first on stability then the trauma" The Sentinel news article
Source: Click here Joseph Cress - The Sentinel Trauma is like taking a walk after stepping on broken glass. The shard digs in deeper with...
"Deployment stress impacts well-being through different mental health issues for female and mal
Source: click here Experiencing stress-related mental health issues following deployment exposures increases risk of reduced well-being...

"6 Ways to Recover Your Mental Health" news article
Source: click here If you are emerging from a period of mental distress, the most important thing to remember is that you are the key...

"Melanie Dallas: Mental Health is a Vital Part of your New Year's Resolution" news art
Source: click here One of people's most common New Year's resolutions is to get healthier. Although this can often take the form of...

"Suicide Also Affects Those Left Behind" news article
Source: click here Gina Bentle talks about the affect suicide has on the people left behind Monday, Nov. 14, 2016, at her home in...

"First-of-its-kind memorial to honor veterans lost to PTSD" news article
Source: click here "A unique memorial is planned to commemorate military veterans who have lost their battle with post-traumatic stress...