"'Parking lot' Suicides Roil VA Hospitals" news article
Source: click here In a tragic and disturbing trend, veterans are resorting to suicide on the grounds of VA facilities, VA Secretary Dr....

June is Post Traumatic Stress Awareness Month
Click here for an important resource about how you can raise awareness about Post Traumatic Stress #ptsd #awareness #ptsdawareness #VA...

"Walgreens Joins VA to Promote Mental Health Care for Veterans" news article
Source: click here Walgreens announced a new collaboration with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Veterans of Foreign...

"VA study on whether dogs can heal vets with PTSD has critics" news article
Military veteran Cole Lyle, who suffers with PTSD, walks with his dog Kaya in the hallways of Rayburn House Office building on Capitol...

"Exposure Therapy: A Surprisingly Effective Treatment for Depression" article
Click here for link to article "If you’ve experienced a traumatic, life-altering event, you might be surprised to learn that one...

"The VA incorrectly reports suicide data and does a poor job of tracking vets at risk, GAO finds" ar
This is something we unfortunately know all too well. It was known by the VA that Dane was suffering from suicidal thoughts and he was...