Great memories.. great friends..
Thankful for great friends... #picture #photo

Graphic: War Veterans' Suicide Risk
Source: click here #war #statistics #photo #veteran #ptsd #suicide

#picture #photo #memory

Happy 1st Birthday to service dogs June, Sarge and Riley!!!
Three of our service dogs placed through the Cpl Dane Freedman PTSD Service Dog Fund are celebrating their first birthday today. We have...

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
Always missed, Never forgotten Cpl Dane Freedman #holiday #photo

Our Candle Lit in Memory of Cpl Dane Freedman
Forever loved...Forever missed. #suicide #awareness #photo #veteran #ptsd

Raise Awareness Not Stigma!
#suicide #awareness #photo

Because When You CARE, You Can Help Save A Life!
#suicide #awareness #photo

10 Things Not to Say to a Veteran with PTSD
For more great information on PTSD and the military, please visit www.militarywithptsd.com. It is a great resource! #ptsd #awareness #photo

PTSD Is Not A Joke
The ignorance of some people is devastating.. Respect all wounds of war, both visible and invisible! #ptsd #awareness #photo